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  Saturday, 13 April 2024
  2 Replies
  258 Visits
Dear Instructor,

Based on the teachings of Samael Aun Weor, someone can be born, for example in 1995, while his previous physical body only dies in 1997... So his soul/spirit accepts the new body ~2 years later when the false ego is born?

This topic is very important to me for some reasons...

Thank you for your wisdom!

Best wishes,
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
It is tremendously true, the fact that the Innermost is like a tree with many leaves. Each leaf is a human personality. The Innermost does not have one single personality as pseudo-esotericists believe. The Innermost has various personalities, and what is most astonishing is that he can have them incarnated in different parts of the world.

When a human person does not fabricate Soul, it is logical that he is lost and descends into the Abyss. However, this matter has no importance for the Innermost. This is like a leaf that falls from the Tree of Life, one leaf without any importance. The Innermost continues attending to his other personalities, struggling for them so that they may fabricate Soul in order to devour them as a tiger of wisdom.

Therefore, the value of the human person (which is the intellectual animal called a human being) is less than the ash of a cigarette. However, fools feel themselves to be giants. Unfortunately, within all the pseudo-esoteric currents, a great number of mythomaniacs exist, individuals who feel themselves to be masters, people who enjoy when others call them masters, individuals who believe themselves to be Gods, individuals who presume to be saints. The only one who is truly great is the Spirit, the Innermost. We, the intellectual animals, are leaves that the wind tosses about. Leaves of the Tree of Life, that is all. “The present human being is a hybrid mixture of plant and phantom. A poor shadow that can only achieve immortality if it fabricates that which is called Soul.”

Humanity has failed. Most of humanity, almost all of it, still does not have Soul. The great majority of humans are dead leaves, which the hurricane of fatality drags to the Abyss. They are fallen leaves from the Tree of Life. -

There is no direct correspondence between what we call "time" in the physical world and the continuity of existence in the internal worlds, especially in the higher levels.

What we call "birth" and "death" also do not correspond directly to the conditioning of the consciousness.

What call "me, myself" is also not located in one place. Instead, we are a multiplicity, dispersed across a whole range of places according to the results of our previous actions. A small percentage is here in our body while the rest is mostly scattered across the inferior regions.

Worst of all, what we call "me, myself" is totally asleep, dreaming a dream of being "who I am," and "who I was," and "who I will be." None of that actually exists.

The result of all of this is that what you are experiencing as "me, myself" is a fleeting illusion. Your physical body may already be dead and "you" do not realize it. A new physical body may already be born, and "you" do not realize it, since the "me, myself" is in a dream state, disconnected from reality, hypnotized by illusions projected by the mind.

Our consciousness is fractured, dispersed into many containers. So yes: physically, there can be an "overlap" between birth and death.

What is essential is to awaken here and now, and break the illusions.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

Gyimesi Kristóf make the post private — 1 month ago
1 month ago
Can you please post a quote where you have read this?
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
It is tremendously true, the fact that the Innermost is like a tree with many leaves. Each leaf is a human personality. The Innermost does not have one single personality as pseudo-esotericists believe. The Innermost has various personalities, and what is most astonishing is that he can have them incarnated in different parts of the world.

When a human person does not fabricate Soul, it is logical that he is lost and descends into the Abyss. However, this matter has no importance for the Innermost. This is like a leaf that falls from the Tree of Life, one leaf without any importance. The Innermost continues attending to his other personalities, struggling for them so that they may fabricate Soul in order to devour them as a tiger of wisdom.

Therefore, the value of the human person (which is the intellectual animal called a human being) is less than the ash of a cigarette. However, fools feel themselves to be giants. Unfortunately, within all the pseudo-esoteric currents, a great number of mythomaniacs exist, individuals who feel themselves to be masters, people who enjoy when others call them masters, individuals who believe themselves to be Gods, individuals who presume to be saints. The only one who is truly great is the Spirit, the Innermost. We, the intellectual animals, are leaves that the wind tosses about. Leaves of the Tree of Life, that is all. “The present human being is a hybrid mixture of plant and phantom. A poor shadow that can only achieve immortality if it fabricates that which is called Soul.”

Humanity has failed. Most of humanity, almost all of it, still does not have Soul. The great majority of humans are dead leaves, which the hurricane of fatality drags to the Abyss. They are fallen leaves from the Tree of Life. -

There is no direct correspondence between what we call "time" in the physical world and the continuity of existence in the internal worlds, especially in the higher levels.

What we call "birth" and "death" also do not correspond directly to the conditioning of the consciousness.

What call "me, myself" is also not located in one place. Instead, we are a multiplicity, dispersed across a whole range of places according to the results of our previous actions. A small percentage is here in our body while the rest is mostly scattered across the inferior regions.

Worst of all, what we call "me, myself" is totally asleep, dreaming a dream of being "who I am," and "who I was," and "who I will be." None of that actually exists.

The result of all of this is that what you are experiencing as "me, myself" is a fleeting illusion. Your physical body may already be dead and "you" do not realize it. A new physical body may already be born, and "you" do not realize it, since the "me, myself" is in a dream state, disconnected from reality, hypnotized by illusions projected by the mind.

Our consciousness is fractured, dispersed into many containers. So yes: physically, there can be an "overlap" between birth and death.

What is essential is to awaken here and now, and break the illusions.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

Alexis make the post public — 1 month ago
Almustafa selected the reply #30862 as the answer for this post — 3 weeks ago
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